말(馬)과 함께/승마(乘馬)

40 Fundamentals of English Riding

YOLO족 2014. 9. 13. 23:28

40 Fundamentals of English Riding.

유튜브에서 퍼온 동영상 모음입니다.


기본(Fundamental)이 가장 중요한것인데,그것도 등한시한 채 엉뚱한 쪽을 기웃거렸던게 부끄럽기만합니다

이것 40가지만 척척박사처럼 정확히 잘해낼 수 있다면 좋겠네요...




1. Where and How

2. Dressage Seat

3. Leg Position

4. Hand Position

5. Light Seat

6. Seat & Weight Aids

7. Leg Aids

8. Hand Aids

9. Auxiliary Aids

10. Riding Diagonal Aids

11. The Walk

12. Trot

13. Posting and Sitting Trot

14. The Canter

15. Canter Leads

16. The Halt

17. Reinback

18. Riding Transitions

19. The Training Scale

** 20. Rhythm

21. Looseness

22. Contact

23. Impulsion

24. Straightness

25. Collection

26. Letting Through

27. Flexion

28. Bending

29. Half Halt

30. 20m Circle

31. 15m Circle

32. 10m Circle

33. Half Circle

34. Figure Eights

35. Bending Lines

36. Three Loop Serpentines

37. Diagonals

38. Riding Corners

39. Turn on Forehand

40. Leg Yield

41. Intuitive Riding